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The Redtail Bluetooth Tag – how does it fit in with IoT?

First, we need to ask, IoT = Internet of Things – what does that mean?

‘Internet of Things – connection through the internet of everyday devices to send and receive data.’
[Oxford English Dictionary]

REDTAIL was founded on expertise in Stolen Vehicle Tracking and Usage-Based Insurance.

Both of which applications connect REDTAIL devices (in cars) through wireless connectivity to send and receive [valuable] data.

Over the last 6-12 months we have added to our capabilities in a diverse and interesting way.

In all three examples below, we continue to explore the potential of data derived from the Connected Vehicle.

Activity includes:

  • The identification and measurement of potholes, in order to manage the efficient deployment of maintenance teams to repair potentially damaging road surfaces
  • Phone network quality – collect specific information about the cellular network, such as signal strength, network ID and cell tower ID
  • Usage-Based Insurance – collection and management of connected vehicle data for provision to insurers in a format that they recognise and value



The challenges in understanding new use cases are interesting, but solving them is very much in our DNA.

Necessary device (if appropriate) and firmware settings, APIs and data interpretation and presentation combine to answer key questions:

  • • How do we derive the right data from the lorry/van/car/device or other!?
    • How do we deliver to Data Warehouse in the right frequency and volume in a cost-effective way?
    • How do we aggregate, analyse and make available in as useful, convenient and valuable a way possible?
    • How do we keep improving in line with customer feedback and expectations

REDTAIL’s design engineering and consultancy background enables genuinely disruptive [IoT?] solutions.

All of which may sound like typical and standard product management disciplines.  But REDTAIL’s design engineering and consultancy background (through founding/parent company Plextek) warrants a unique way of thinking, planning and problem solving which enables genuinely disruptive [IoT?] solutions.

Although we are a business striving for clarity of strategy and execution (focus if you like!) we would not pretend to know where the next opportunity or enquiry might come from.  Which is not to say that our capabilities can do simply anything – relevant and adjacent to largely existing business seems sensible.





So, to answer my original question ‘IoT – are we there yet?’ I don’t think we would ever be arrogant or complacent enough to say yes to that, but we have increasing conviction that our IoT capabilities certainly can do.  Our Bluetooth Tag is just the tip of the iceberg.