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Redtail Telematics appointed by KOBA as they launch pay-by-kilometre car insurance in Australia

KOBA car insurance is led by serial entrepreneur Andrew Wong.  My intro to Andrew was initially through ByMiles and their SaaS platform ByBits.  Andrew and Andrew (that’s me) have forged a genuine partner relationship – digitally of course, as befits the tenor of the last twelve months.  That partnership has been built on a solid foundation of listening and understanding, speedy and substantial responsiveness, and honesty and transparency of communication.


Andrew Wong, CEO & Founder, KOBA

‘We’ve really appreciated the way your team has just dove into the partnership with us.  It’s exactly what we’ve been looking for.  You’ve really helped us fill in the ‘device’ knowledge gap that we have.  I’m ready and eager to get going with this partnership so we can get access to the data, APIs, etc, this way we are locked into working with you guys.’



Aside of the people bit, of course, REDTAIL had to provide what KOBA needed.  Which is best in class, highly accurate and immediate journey data – made possible through proven high quality devices, rich platforms for both journey and incident data and dynamic API access and support.​

And to quote the late great Karen Carpenter (well lyricist Paul Williams actually), we’ve only just begun.

Dialogues and activity are intensifying as we ramp up for a July launch.  From fulfilment logistics to packaging branding, claims portal capabilities to driver scoring, ideas and potential solutions continue to evolve. The partnership will continue to evolve also as market take up and feedback informs ways forward.  Shared values will underpin robust exchanges and testing of outcomes, but will move inevitably in the mutually desired direction of maximising opportunity.

Andrew Little

Marketing & Sales guy