Revendedores FAQs
How do I become a Reseller?
Contact Redtail Telematics, to request program, product and pricing information.
Which products are available to Resellers?
The Redtail full featured professionally installed Fleet management solution, as well as the Do-It-Yourself Click to Locate product are available for re-sale.
Do you have any marketing collateral or point of purchase support?
Yes. Redtail has presentations, brochures and complimentary point of purchase displays with a minimum purchase. See the program information for details.
Do the tracking devices require service?
Yes. Customers can purchase the VAM devices from a Reseller and are instructed to go to a web-site link to activate the device. The customer is responsible for creating an account and paying for service.
Can my customers purchase Redtail directly?
Fleet customers can call Redtail and purchase the Fleet management solution. The Automotive Click to Locate product and APP can be purchased ONLY through our reseller channel.
How difficult is it to install the VAM device?
The professionally fitted VAM devices require the installation of power, ground and ignition wires, which typically takes less than an hour.
What about Click to Locate? Will my customer be able to easily install the VAM plug-in device?
Click to Locate requires no installation and plugs directly into the vehicle or light truck’s On Board Diagnostic System (OBD-II).
Where is the OBDII Connector Located?
The automotive manufacturing rules in the USA state that the connector must be located within 3 feet of the driver and must not require any tools. Look under the dash and behind ashtrays.
Does My Car or Light Truck Have OBD-II?
All cars and light trucks built and sold in the United States after January 1, 1996 were required to be equipped with an OBDII port. In general, this means all 1996 model year cars and light trucks are compliant.
Can I use the Click to Locate plug-in device with the Fleet Management application? Or the professionally installed device with the Click to Locate app?
The hardware is interchangeable. The customer can use a professional fitted device and select the Click to Locate or Fleet service application and plan.
Redtail Telematics ha desarrollado un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad acreditado por ISO 9001 para respaldar el diseño y suministro de dispositivos telemáticos automotrices, junto con los servicios de soporte y análisis de datos para el seguimiento de vehículos, el comportamiento del conductor y las alertas de impacto y su análisis.
Para obtener más información sobre nuestra acreditación de gestión de calidad ISO 9001, visite el sitio web de NQA.