UK +44 (0) 1799 588588 / US Tollfree +1-866-711-4880


Redtail Telematics è un TSP a servizio completo. Il design Redtail Il team e la catena di produzione hanno prodotto oltre sei milioni di dispositivi nel mercato post-vendita automobilistico e collegano quotidianamente centinaia di migliaia di automobili e i loro conducenti.

Raccogliamo dati precisi e ad alta risoluzione da dispositivi e app sui comportamenti dei conducenti che consentono ai patners delle assicurazioni di offrire premi assicurativi personalizzati, basati sulla realta’ invece che sulle ipotesi di rischio. I nostri programmi UBI possono migliorare la fidelizzazione dei clienti attraverso il loro feedback e premi dovuti comportamento di guida, e di conseguenza riducendo anche le polizze assicurative.

In secondo luogo, Redtail aiuta gli assicuratori di veicoli, a valutare in modo rapido e preciso la responsabilita’ ed i costi del sinistro utilizzando il nostro portale dei incidenti.  Questa soluzione all’avanguardia, ricrea lo scenario dell’incidente da un punto di vista legale, riducendo l’importanza dei testimoni oculari e le pretese di risarcimento, semplificando le tempistiche e riducendo le frodi. L’utilizzo delle flessibili API di Redtail permettono agli assicuratori di integrare i dati di gestione dell’incidente con altre applicazioni.

La nostra White Label Scoring App e’ applicabile sia per Apple che per Android, offre uno strumento di feedback dinamico, coinvolgente ed educativo per gli assicuratori e i loro conducenti.

Acorn Insurance logo

Admiral logo

Axa logo

By Miles logo

Concirrus logo

Direct Line logo

ingenie logo

Unigarant logo

Redtail assicurazioni tailored solutions

Redtail assicurazioni better data

Redtail assicurazioni Crash data

Redtail assicurazioni Valuable data

Soluzioni su misura

Ogni assicuratore automobilistico è diverso, ogni libro è diverso. Lavoriamo con voi per creare soluzioni che si adattano alle vostre esigenze aziendali

Dati migliori

Tramite le API forniamo dati più rapidi  ed  aggiornati sul punteggio dei conducenti e su gli incidenti, consentendo il coinvolgimento, la gestione e la retenzione dei titolari di polizza

Dati sugli incidenti

Il nostro portale ricrea in modo digitale gli incidenti, fornendo prove quali velocità di impatto o d’accelerazione, rendendo più semplice l’elaborazione dei reclami e riducendo le frodi

Dati preziosi

Il feedback dei nostri conducenti influisce sui rischi e premi assicurativi, il nostro portale degli incidenti informa sulla dinamica e la veridicità dei sinistri, la nostra telematica fornisce ROI alla tua azienda

L’offerta telematica di Redtail copre tutti gli aspetti dell’assicurazione veicoli, e comprende:

  • La polizza assicurativa basata sul ‘UBI’ o sul comportamento, includendo la polizza ‘Pay as you Drive’ (dati telematici basati sul chilometraggio)e ‘Pay how you Drive’ (dati basati sul comportamento) sia per le linee personali che commerciali
  • Una soluzione su misura, e un servicio completo che combina il giusto dispositivo (VAM, VAM 12V, VAM OBD, App) con la corretta connettivita’ (Data Warehouse, Data Science, API portali e App) secondo le tue esigenze di business
  • Incident Notification & Reconstruction (INR)- Applicazioni per la gestione degl’incidenti e dei reclami con l’intento di servire efficacemente la sala reclami
  • Applicazione da Etichetta Bianca: aiuta gli assicuratori a creare una apps personalizzata per i propri clienti, create sia per  catturare i feedback che segnalare gli incidenti


"Since our launch in 2011 REDTAIL has been a valued ingenie partner.  As a specialist in the young driver market ingenie needed a highly reliable and accurate fitted telematics device capable of capturing driving events at a much higher data frequency than much of the competition and REDTAIL worked with us to create and deliver a unique device specification.

Our Partnership with REDTAIL has delivered the accuracy of data we need, enabling us to create and evolve proprietary algorithms and scoring which are proven to be highly predictive of loss and deliver market leading loss ratios for our underwriters."

Cara Hurlock, Chief Customer Officer

Redtail Telematics
"Since our launch in 2011 REDTAIL has been a valued ingenie partner.  As a specialist in the young driver market ingenie needed a highly reliable and accurate fitted telematics device capable of capturing driving events at a much higher data frequency than much of the competition and REDTAIL worked with us to create and deliver a unique device specification. Our Partnership with REDTAIL has delivered the accuracy of data we need, enabling us to create and evolve proprietary algorithms and scoring which are proven to be highly predictive of loss and deliver market leading loss ratios for our underwriters." Cara Hurlock, Chief Customer Officer


"We began working with Redtail in 2016 and from the outset were impressed by their responsive approach to customers in creating our first OBD offering ahead of planned schedule, which they only achieved by over the top efforts.  The Redtail OBD product has proved to be very high quality and reliable, enabling us to experience far better than average product return rates for the industry.

Their deliveries have always been 100% to time or even better, despite some unexpected orders. That marks a good partnership. It’s not only technology, it’s also the way we got to know Redtail as a company - thinking ahead and putting real effort in to getting things done, with a solution oriented approach, even with the unexpected."

Marin Roos, Director of Innovations

Redtail Telematics
"We began working with Redtail in 2016 and from the outset were impressed by their responsive approach to customers in creating our first OBD offering ahead of planned schedule, which they only achieved by over the top efforts.  The Redtail OBD product has proved to be very high quality and reliable, enabling us to experience far better than average product return rates for the industry. Their deliveries have always been 100% to time or even better, despite some unexpected orders. That marks a good partnership. It’s not only technology, it’s also the way we got to know Redtail as a company - thinking ahead and putting real effort in to getting things done, with a solution oriented approach, even with the unexpected." Marin Roos, Director of Innovations

BT Enterprise

REDTAIL Telematics came to my attention in the very early days of Usage-Based Insurance when young driver coaching and their technology was used to help launch UBI pioneer ingenie. Their products and services have proved insightful and robust, and have evolved with markets as diverse as vehicle tracking, all aspects of fleet management, and most latterly the demands of monetising the connected vehicle.

Throughout their solutions have been quality first, scalable and adaptable to vertical or geography – a true technology and commercial partner.

Colin Shillito, Head of Business Development – IoT Automotive

Redtail Telematics
REDTAIL Telematics came to my attention in the very early days of Usage-Based Insurance when young driver coaching and their technology was used to help launch UBI pioneer ingenie. Their products and services have proved insightful and robust, and have evolved with markets as diverse as vehicle tracking, all aspects of fleet management, and most latterly the demands of monetising the connected vehicle. Throughout their solutions have been quality first, scalable and adaptable to vertical or geography – a true technology and commercial partner. Colin Shillito, Head of Business Development – IoT Automotive

By Miles

"What makes Redtail a particularly compelling choice as partner is their ability to develop a bespoke solution which meets our needs in an increasingly competitive marketplace. This has been demonstrated with the successful launch of our pay-by-mile car insurance policy.

Being able to get everything from engine diagnostics codes through to crash reports using Redtail hardware means we can offer much more than an insurance policy, and we look forward to building out many other new features in the future with their support."

Callum Rimmer, CTO and Co-Founder

Redtail Telematics
"What makes Redtail a particularly compelling choice as partner is their ability to develop a bespoke solution which meets our needs in an increasingly competitive marketplace. This has been demonstrated with the successful launch of our pay-by-mile car insurance policy. Being able to get everything from engine diagnostics codes through to crash reports using Redtail hardware means we can offer much more than an insurance policy, and we look forward to building out many other new features in the future with their support." Callum Rimmer, CTO and Co-Founder


"We continue to enjoy a highly productive, long term partnership with Redtail Telematics.  This fruitful collaboration delivers profitable UBI business functions and provides a constant stream of innovation.

From our unique 12v device to their cutting-edge data services and supportive technology in the Crash Portal, Admiral has benefitted from Redtail’s continuous improvements and pro-active customer support throughout our five year relationship."

Gunnar Peters, Head of Telematics

Redtail Telematics
"We continue to enjoy a highly productive, long term partnership with Redtail Telematics.  This fruitful collaboration delivers profitable UBI business functions and provides a constant stream of innovation. From our unique 12v device to their cutting-edge data services and supportive technology in the Crash Portal, Admiral has benefitted from Redtail’s continuous improvements and pro-active customer support throughout our five year relationship." Gunnar Peters, Head of Telematics


Redtail ha sviluppato un sistema accreditato ISO 9001 di Quality Management System per sviluppare il disegno e la fornitura di apparecchiature  telematiche per autoveicoli, congiuntamente al servizio di assistenza e all‘analisi dei dati per il monotoraggio sia dei veicoli che del comportamento del conducente ed anche nell’allerta di incidenti e della loro analisi.

Per ulteriori informazioni sul nostro certificato di qualita’ ISO 9001,visitate il sito web NQA.

NQA ISO 9001 Logo - UKAS

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